Friday, April 17, 2015

Wazzup Pilipinas TV Will Change Your Saturday Evenings Starting May 2

It's legit! Your friendly neighborhood Pambansang Blogger ng Pilipinas delivers what it promised two years ago - excellence in the online sharing of article/news about our country, the Philippines!

From blogger to blogcaster on the radio, and now the founder is on national TV ready to shout out to the world their iconic greeting "Wazzup Pilipinas!" and flaunt the equally iconic two thumbs up.

Everyone shares eagerly the has definitely grown bigger and stronger even only after two years of being online. After their online media partnerships with many government agencies, brands, colleges and universities, and other organizations, your multi-awarded Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas has indeed reached greater heights when it opened its doors to many more partnership opportunities which included content contributions to newspapers and magazines, guesting on TV and radio shows, organizing media events, advocacy programs and promotional campaigns, spearheading long-term collaborations with more brands, organizations and agencies, and a lot more activities beyond online media partnerships.

They are proud to announce that they now have a new TV show dubbed as Wazzup Pilipinas TV and it will soon be shown at IBC 13 every primetime Saturday from 8 to 9 in the evening. It is a variety infotainment lifestyle show that will be more than just an online version of the blog. We believe this is the first time a blog has made it into national TV making it the first of its kind to achieve an outstanding achievement. 

The creation of the TV version is truly a proud moment for its founder, Ross Del Rosario, more popularly known as the Pambansang Blogger ng Pilipinas. Ross joins a formidable team composed of Bart Abaya, the Philippine Barter King; Dave Aguila, the Common Sense Investor; Chef Tato, Halal Cooking Master, and quite a number of guest co-hosts appearing all throughout the show.
The production team has made Wazzup Pilipinas TV into a witty and intentionally humorous show to make it more appealing to a wider audience but at the same time filled with useful facts and information to educate and inform the more intellectual audience. In short, they tried their best not to make it boring. Lol! 

The Wazzup Pilipinas TV show also capitalizes on using many forms of media to promote both the show and its sponsors so it is expected that the brands will receive a multitude of media mileage opportunities when they collaborate with Wazzup Pilipinas TV.

Since all of the individuals forming the production team and hosts are multi-talented and well-connected with many forms of media and social influences aside from television, all are assured that it's going to be a comprehensive promotional campaign.

Wazzup Pilipinas TV is now in the process of taping/shooting for segments for the show's first season episodes and they would like to invite everyone to be among the very first guests/sponsors of the show to join the many brands they have already partnered with. Wazzup Pilipinas TV can also turn the sponsorship into a long-term relationship mutually-benefiting for all parties involved. They will be more than willing to come up with the best package for interested sponsors. 

If you are a business owner who would like to be featured in the Wazzup Pilipinas TV show, they would be happy to schedule you for the guesting/appearance/interview as per your availability and convenience. Please let them know when you will be available by sending them your preferred date, time and meeting place.

You may email them at and they will contact you asap, or call/text them at 0916 6459045 for faster communication.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Top Bloggers of the Philippines

Who wants to be the next top, emerging, and aiming to be the best breed of influential, authoritative and elite bloggers of the Philippines?

With all these claims of belonging to the ranks of top bloggers, many are deceived of the appropriate methods to identify who are really the top bloggers of the Philippines.

Is the basis should be on the popularity of the blog or the blogger maintaining the site, or is it based on the number of readers, followers, or what they call hits, views, page ranks, domain authority, page authority and other stats used to measure reach, or is it based on how diverse the blogs or bloggers influence is.

There are full-time bloggers that are able to concentrate solely on their blogs, while there are also part-time bloggers who have other concerns in life like a day job in the corporate world or with his or her own business. There are bloggers that are also part of the other forms of media like radio, print and TV, there are celebrity bloggers using the online media as an extension of promoting themselves, and there are also bloggers that are just casual or have occasional posts on their blogs.

Personalities like politicians, sports athletes, and many other individuals have also made their own blog platform including social media accounts.

But what really makes a blogger among the "top" bloggers?