Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Top Bloggers of the Philippines

Who wants to be the next top, emerging, and aiming to be the best breed of influential, authoritative and elite bloggers of the Philippines?

With all these claims of belonging to the ranks of top bloggers, many are deceived of the appropriate methods to identify who are really the top bloggers of the Philippines.

Is the basis should be on the popularity of the blog or the blogger maintaining the site, or is it based on the number of readers, followers, or what they call hits, views, page ranks, domain authority, page authority and other stats used to measure reach, or is it based on how diverse the blogs or bloggers influence is.

There are full-time bloggers that are able to concentrate solely on their blogs, while there are also part-time bloggers who have other concerns in life like a day job in the corporate world or with his or her own business. There are bloggers that are also part of the other forms of media like radio, print and TV, there are celebrity bloggers using the online media as an extension of promoting themselves, and there are also bloggers that are just casual or have occasional posts on their blogs.

Personalities like politicians, sports athletes, and many other individuals have also made their own blog platform including social media accounts.

But what really makes a blogger among the "top" bloggers?

Is it the number of your event invites, PR and event organizer friends, partnerships and collaborations, and other sorts of influences and connections?

Or is it the number of years you've been around in the blogosphere surviving as among the fittest?

Not too many are mentioning the writing competencies, styles, techniques, or even the branding or promotional aspects involved in making your presence felt. Should there be acknowledgement regarding uniqueness, or promotional capabilities?

Should there be further recognition when bloggers band together to form groups and categorize themselves as elite or authority? or to the less aggressive that would just refer to themselves as emerging?

Regardless of the classifications, blogs should not be rated based on the blogger as it only caters to discrimination. Obviously, being a popular personality would already equate to a successful following. But what if the blog is managed by a multitude of individuals as in the case of community blogs? The various minds and beliefs involved in the blog transcends beyond a single idea. The efforts and means of expressions could become cumulative or could also be misconstrued as chaotic.

We are all agreeable to the fact that blogs have indeed made a huge impact. With the proliferation and advancement of online and mobile technologies, the possibilities have become an endless discovery. We are definite that many more are bound to surprise us and it will happen fast.

Blogs are here to stay, and there would always be bloggers out there that would surpass the common and ordinary if they stick to what they believe in and never let others dictatewhat to share to the world.

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